

アメリカ留学体験インタビュー Vol.2

前回に引き続き、アメリカ交換留学インタビューの第二弾です。今回は外国語学部3年生のR.Iさんのインタビューの様子をお届けします。Iさんはグローバル社会の即戦力の人材を育てる「GCIプログラム」の学生でもあり、1年時に異文化理解留学プログラムで約1か月タイにも訪れています。1年次のタイでの経験を活かし、2年次で挑んだ「College of St. Benedict (CSB)/St. John’s University (SJU)」留学の様子をお話いただきました。留学に興味のある方はぜひ参考にして下さい。

SJU1.jpgQ1 どうしてアメリカのCSB/SJUに留学しようと思いましたか?
Why did you decide to study abroad in America at CSB/SJU?

In BGU, the longest English study abroad program we have is at CSB/SJU.

Q2 CSB/SJUに到着した時の最初の感想は?
What were your first thoughts when you arrived at CSB/SJU?

People were so nice and kind, even to strangers they always say hi to everyone. I was inspired by this and it inspired me to connect with others while I was there.

Q3 参加したことのある大学のイベントやアクティビティの中で、特に好きだったものは何ですか?
What was your favorite campus event or activity you participated in?

I participated in the International Festival of Cultures and we did a traditional Okinawan dance and it was so much fun. It was a great experience and I loved being able to express our identity for everyone who was there.

Q4 アメリカと日本の大学の最大の違いは何だと思いますか?
What were some of the biggest differences you noticed between American campus life and Japanese campus life?

The biggest difference was how students commute to classes. It’s not common in Japan for students to live on campus and walk to class. Students in America live in dorms and walk to classes instead of driving or taking the train to class.I think I was able to connect with the community better this way.

Q5 留学を考えている方に何かアドバイスは?
Do you have advice for future students who will study abroad?SJU2.jpg

Japanese students don’t often experience being a part of a diverse environment, so they might not feel comfortable expressing themselves in a place where they are different. But, I think it is important to stay positive and express yourself without any fear.